An application essay is the first thing that the admission committee looks at. It is the first and most crucial gate between you and your dreams. It is a break or make point. Chasing a big dream like architecture calls for a lifetime of dedication and hard work. It entails long study hours to attain the grades to qualify for an architecture school. With this in mind, you cannot let an admission essay be a hindrance to your dream architecture school. If you are a student looking to join an architecture school and feeling lost on how to write an essay, worry no more. Here are tips on how to ace that essay and secure your spot in your dream architecture school.

Get the Essay’s Purpose Right

To write the right essay, you must go through the essay prompt provided by the school. While reading, note down the key themes they want to address. Additionally, do a deep dive into the school’s core values, code of conduct, architecture program, or aspects of the school that resonate with you. Use the information and tailor your essay to include the information. It will help your essay stand out and resonate with the school, thus increasing your chances.

Brainstorm Ideas to Present

If you start writing the essay without planning on the points to present, you might get stuck and start looking for a professional writer from sites like to help you. Besides, you might start giving cliché stories, which will not cut it. A key aspect of writing a good architecture admission essay is to make it personal. Nobody loves a vague and dry story. You need to help the admissions board know why architecture is dear to you. You should think about these questions: what aroused your interest in architecture? What is so unique about architecture that fascinates you and makes you prefer it to other courses? By addressing these questions, you add a personal touch to the essay, which shows that architecture is something innate and not something forced on you or for money. It shows a great calling.

Also, think about your strengths and weaknesses. Here, your ideas should revolve around what strengths make you suitable as an aspiring architecture student. Based on the course description and curriculum for the school, what experiences and skills do you have that support and show that you are going to carry through the course to its completion? In line with this, think about your skills and experiences relevant to architectural studies. To take it a notch higher, mention your career goals. What area do you wish to contribute to architecture, and how will the program help you to achieve your dreams? Once you answer these questions, you will have the points to make your essay great.

Use an Organized Structure

The next step is how to arrange your ideas in a manner that makes sense. The ideas must flow and be coherent to make the committee understand your message. An architecture admission essay has three parts: introduction, body, and conclusion.


The introduction is a crucial part of the admission essay. It sets the pace for the whole essay. It should be catchy and compelling to arouse the committee’s interest, and it should outline what the essay will cover while not spilling too much that the reviewers need to read. You can state a unique experience or quote. Whatever you do, make sure it grabs attention.


The body is where most of the work is. Here, delve into the ideas you have highlighted in the introduction and discuss the points you have brainstormed. For this section, you should have key points such as a passion for architecture, relevant experiences, skills and attributes, and career goals. Under passion for architecture, you should discuss your interest in architecture, what contributed to the sparkle, how it evolved, and how the school will help you nurture the architecture flame.

The next part is relevant experiences. In this part, connect what you have learned in the past and how it will help you maneuver the course with less strain. In simple terms, highlight any academic, career, or professional experience that has prepared you to adequately meet and go through the architecture course with ease. Outline the skills that make you stand out, such as design and problem-solving. Remember to mention personal attributes that make you a good student, such as being a team player and creative. Doing so shows the committee that you are a fit candidate.

The last part is to explain your career goals. Here, you need to explain your short-term and long-term goals in pursuing your architecture journey. In this section, you’re allowed to dream big. Present that big idea you want to see come true in the architecture field. Think about how the program will help you achieve the dream and put it into words. Including this part gives the committee a road map of your architectural journey and ascertains your purpose and commitment to the field.


Summarize the main points in the essay and reaffirm your commitment to the architecture call. Do not introduce any new information you have not discussed in the essay. To wrap it up, end with a solid reaffirming statement to leave a long-lasting impression.

Refine the Essay

To present a faultless admission essay like those crafted by experts mentioned in the PayforEssay review, take your time and read through it. While reading, ensure you have the application prompt requirements next to you. Make sure you have tackled all the points required. You can ask other individuals for suggestions on whether the essay meets the criteria and overall quality. Use their feedback to make adjustments.

Parting Shot

Pursuing architecture is a huge decision and a road with endless opportunities. However, writing a winning architecture admission essay is what will make the dream come true. Breaking down the essay into the steps mentioned above will simplify the work and ensure you present the right points the committee is looking for. Good luck!

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