Due to intense program of architecture school many architecture students are struggling with time management. They have a large number of classes, projects, and exams to take care of. In addition to this, architecture students also have job and internship responsibilities. Take it easy, it’s quite normal as an architecture student to have difficulty with time management!

This article is about time management for architecture students who need to save their time under the difficult conditions of faculty of architecture. Let’s talk about how to manage time efficiently so that they can get the best out of their education.

Credit: The 10 Common Mistakes Architecture Students Make – Arch2O.com

Architecture students are often faced with a dilemma- whether to focus on their studies or to work on their future careers. But this is not a difficult choice; they should do both, as they are mutually exclusive and it is not possible to do one without the other. They have to be prepared for the long haul and need to be able to balance their workloads in order to be successful in both aspects of their lives. There are many ways to increase your time-efficiency during architecture school education.

Tips for Time Management

Architecture students are always trying to balance their work, social and academic lives. The good news is that they can use some of the following tips to manage their time more efficiently.

Credit: Architectural Education: Is It Actually Preparing Our Students for the Future? | ArchDaily

The first tip is to create a routine for yourself. Routine can help you reduce the stress that comes with managing your time by giving you a sense of control over your day. The second tip is to make sure that you are not working on too many projects at once. This will just waste your time because it will be difficult for you to focus on all of them and they might end up taking more than the allotted time for each one. The third tip is to set deadlines for yourself and use them as a guideline for when you should start working on something new or finish something old. While using these tips, you can take advantage of all kinds of tools that will be useful to you, such as the following.

  • Create a schedule to avoid procrastination: Students can make a plan for their day, week or month in advance. This will help them stick to deadlines and stay focused on what needs to be done.

Some students find that it is helpful to make a list of the things they need to do each day and then prioritize the tasks. This can help them get more done during the day and feel less stressed about what needs to be done.

  • Make use of technology: Students can use apps like Google Calendar, Trello or StudyCrumb‘s Assignment Calendar for better time management. They can also set reminders on their phone or computer for important tasks and appointments.
Credit: AIAS publishes digital resources guide for architecture students | News | Archinect
  • Prioritize your work: Architecture students should learn how to focus on what’s most important and not get distracted by other things that don’t need immediate attention.
Credit: Techniques & Good Studying Habits Of Architecture Students (architecturelab.net)

In order to be successful, one needs to prioritize the work and manage your time effectively. It is important for students to remember that they are not just architecture students but they are also architects-in-training. You should also keep track of how much time we spend on each task so that you know if we are on the right track or not.

  • Use all your resources: Architecture students should take advantage of all the available resources in school like libraries, study rooms, study groups etc.
Credit: 84.75 Studio Hours: A Week in the Life of a Master of Architecture Student | ArchDaily

Architecture students need to be focused and productive at all times. Below are some personal resources that can help you manage your time more efficiently:



-Productive Apps


-Online Courses

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