For some time the metaverse was the biggest buzzword in the tech scene. This tech development transcended internet connectivity, gaming, and various related sectors.

The popularity of the metaverse inspired several crypto tokens that operated on the metaverse concept. Some popular platforms include Sandbox, Axie Infinity, Decentraland, and Render Network. Render is really the shinning example of how the metaverse will be able to leverage distributed unused GPU power to render digital assets in virtual reality. This approach will significantly reduce overall costs compared to centralized cloud computing. Render tokens will be earned for sending GPU power to the network. This will continue to exponentially grow the user base and value of Render. According to Binance, Render has a market cap of $3.26 billion as of September 2024 making it the 29th largest cryptocurrency on the market.

Tech billionaire Mark Zuckerberg made the biggest bet on the metaverse by investing approximately $46 billion and even renaming Facebook to Meta. This bet didn’t work out as intended because his company does not have the superiority in Metaverse development it hoped for. Nonetheless, it goes to show how the belief in the defining invention this innovation offers.

Exploring The Metaverse

Defining the metaverse is an inherent challenge because of how new and conceptual it is. It is a lot like trying to define the internet in its early years. The metaverse does not refer to a specific type of technology but instead a broad reference to how we interact with technology. Generally, the current understanding of the metaverse is virtual universes created that allow users to interact and even engage in commerce.

These applications can range from virtual reality and augmented reality to complex universes specific to gaming. Virtual worlds in games like Fortnite accessible through regular gaming consoles are part of this broad definition of the metaverse. In its full iteration, users should be able to interact as though they are in the real world.


Development is still in its early stages and it is difficult to tell where this sector will be in five or ten years. Innovators may not completely recreate the real world in a virtual setting but anything close will be historic.

The Role Of Crypto And Blockchain

Blockchain platforms naturally gravitated towards the metaverse because both are nascent innovations. Decentraland (MANA) became a popular token for its virtual land concept, where users could own virtual real estate.

Axie infinity took this a level higher with a battle-themed metaverse game. The latter became a sensation in 2022 with millions of monthly users during its peak in 2022. Since then dozens of other metaverse crypto games have emerged to give users more options.

Crypto tokens are excellent currencies for such virtual worlds. Virtual currencies in a virtual world sounds like a match made in heaven. Tokens are excellent exchange tools allowing metaverse users to trade, store value and participate in platform governance. Therefore, cryptocurrencies will have a role in metaverse development because of how closely the two mirror each other.

What The Future Holds

Metaverse development is a fragmented affair, and it is difficult to predict which aspect will be the most prevalent.

Its applicability in gaming and crypto gaming looks to be the most coherent usage at the moment. There is a thrill and engagement quality about metaverse games that other uses of the metaverse cannot match.

Cryptocurrencies are crucial to metaverse development as most crypto users are already inclined to try similar tech platforms. It will be fascinating to track the growth of this sector in the coming years.

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