As an architect, you’ll need to design a range of utilitarian buildings. Call centers are one of these types that pose interesting challenges. You need a space that allows for easy collaboration while allowing each consultant some privacy.

In this post, we look at what makes for an ideal call center building.

Flexible Layout

You’ll need to start with an open and flexible layout so that the company can easily adapt to their changing needs. You can use modular furniture and partitions to improve the privacy of each workstation. You can move these as required.

This kind of layout also makes it easier to group consultants into different teams. You might, for example, group them by the company they represent. Or you could keep it industry-related.

By having an open-plan layout, you can make adjustments as necessary.

Natural Light

The stereotypical picture of a cool center consisting of row upon row of cubicles in a room with artificial lighting is outdated. Modern companies care about the mental well-being of their consultants. With this in mind, then incorporate as much natural light as possible.

The light, airy spaces can improve mood, productivity, and overall well-being. Having plenty of natural light also allows you to incorporate plants to make the environment more pleasant.

Acoustic Design

An ecommerce support center is, by nature, a noisy environment. You can incorporate sound-absorbing materials and acoustic panels to lessen the din. These can also provide the consultants with a degree of privacy and make it easier to concentrate.

Clients will be less likely to hear noises in the background and will have a more pleasant experience.

Technology Integration

any office space going forward must have space for state-of-the-art technology infrastructure. You’ll need to make plans for immediate needs such as:

  • Advanced communication
  • High-speed Internet
  • Video conferencing

You’ll also need to incorporate spaces to add more infrastructure at a later stage. This will enable the company to upgrade the systems effortlessly in the future.

To this end, it’s useful to discuss the plans the company has for upgrading in the next five or ten years. It might even prove cost-effective for them to put the basic structure in place immediately, even if they won’t use it straight away.

Collaboration Zones

You want to foster team building. It makes sense to create collaborative spaces. These can include break rooms, brainstorming areas, or lounges. The idea for these spaces is to make them comfortable and inspiring. The consultants should be happy to take short breaks there and communicate with their colleagues.

Wellness Facilities

Most companies are recognizing the importance of employee wellness. How far your company goes depends on your budget and your overall goals. You should, at the very least, have a space where employees can go to relax and recharge.

Whether this is a wellness facility like a gym, a simple garden, or a meditation room is up to you.

When creating this area, it might be helpful to speak to the employees to find out what they want. You might think the idea of a gym is wonderful, but if no one uses it’s a waste of money. Think of the space as a way to make top talent feel at home.

Green Spaces

You want to make the space as inviting as possible. Well, experts suggest that we incorporate as much of the natural world as possible. You can do this by adding pot plants, green walls, or outdoor gardens. The advantage is that the plants will enhance air quality and provide some pretty to look at.

They give the area a more homely feel.

Energy Efficiency

it’s worth incorporating energy-efficient systems like lighting and HVAC units. You can also use building materials to reduce the building’s overall carbon footprint. This can save a lot of money on power bills in the future.


You should carefully assist your design to ensure that it’s accessible to people with disabilities. Installing ramps, elevators, and designated parking spaces. You’ll also have to make sure that there are accessible restrooms.

Ensure the building is accessible to everyone, including individuals with disabilities.

Security Measures

You may need to incorporate measures such as secure access control and surveillance cameras. You should consider adding advanced security systems to protect your customers’ sensitive data.


The call center building of the future is one that is comfortable and sustainable. It promotes collaboration and teamwork and takes care of the well-being of the consultants who work in it.

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