You want your home to look really nice, right? Like something out of a fancy magazine. The kind of place where you feel proud to have people over. Well, decorating your home to look elegant doesn’t have to be complicated or cost a billion dollars.

Just follow these tips and your place will be looking swanky in no time!

1. Start With a Neutral Color Palette

The number one thing you need for an elegant home is a neutral color scheme. Think shades of white, gray, tan, and beige. These muted tones make a space look clean, calm, and sophisticated. So paint your walls in soft neutrals as your base. You can always add pops of color later with accessories if you want.

2. Declutter That Junk!

Imagine a gorgeous living room – plush sofa, beautiful rug, elegant curtains. But then there’s a bunch of toys, magazines, and crushed soda cans everywhere. Not so elegant, huh? An elegant home needs to be clutter-free. So go through each room and get rid of anything you don’t absolutely need or love. Toss it, donate it, just get that excess stuff out of there! Clutter is the enemy of elegance.

3. Bring In Some Fancy Fabrics

What makes a space feel luxurious? Often, it’s the fabrics and textures. So splurge a little on some high-end materials for things like:

  • Curtains (silk, velvet, linen)
  • Throw blankets/pillows (cashmere, faux fur)
  • Rugs (wool, silk)

These rich fabrics add such an upscale vibe. Even just one gorgeous wool area rug can make a basic living room look 10 times fancier.

For custom curtains in NYC that elevate your space, consider NYC custom curtains in luxurious fabrics like silk or velvet.

4. Upgrade Your Lighting

Lighting is everything when you want an elegant look. Ditch the basic lamps and ceiling fixtures for something more luxe. Here are some lighting options that scream “elegance”:

  • Chandeliers (classic choice!)
  • Wall sconces
  • Candles/candelabras
  • Lamps with shades made from silk, crystals, etc.

The right lighting can completely transform a space from drab to fab. So don’t underestimate its importance!

5. Accessorize With High-End Pieces

While the base of your decor should be relatively minimal, you’ll want to add some special accent pieces. These are what elevate a room from plain to elegant:

  • Sculptures/artwork
  • Mirrors with ornate frames
  • Vases, trays, or bowls in glass, marble, etc.
  • Coffee table books on topics like fashion, art, travel

These unique, high-end accessories are what add that “wow” factor. But don’t go overboard – just a few standout pieces per room.

6. Add Some Fancy Furniture

Of course, no elegant home is complete without some stellar furniture. You don’t need to buy all new stuff, but aim to incorporate at least one or two high-quality, well-designed pieces. Things like:

  • A tufted leather sofa or chair
  • An antique armoire or cabinet
  • A sleek, modern desk or dining table

Having at least one true showstopper furniture item instantly elevates a space. If you’re considering a full home remodeling project to achieve an elegant new look, these tips will help you a lot.

7. Get Organized With Smart Storage

When you declutter, you’ll need places to neatly store what’s left. Invest in some elegant storage solutions to keep things looking tidy, such as:

  • Bookcases or etageres for displaying books, objects
  • Ottomans or benches with inside storage
  • Decorative baskets or boxes

Conceal any unsightly clutter behind these stylish storage pieces.

8. Incorporate Some Metallics

Know what screams “luxury”? Metals like gold, silver, and brass. So consider adding some metallic accents throughout your home:

  • Gold-framed mirrors
  • Silver candlesticks
  • Brass bowls or vases
  • Lamps with metallic bases

You don’t need a ton – just enough to make things feel a touch more glamorous.

9. Keep It Simple

The key for an elegant, classy home? Don’t overdo it. Let me repeat that:

Do. Not. Over. Decorate.

Too many knick-knacks, patterns, and doodads just looks cluttered and chaotic (the opposite of elegant). Instead, stick to clean lines, simple shapes, and just a few standout pieces. Less really is more when you want that upscale vibe.

10. Bring The Outdoors In

Nature’s greenery can work wonders for adding life, freshness and elegance to a space. So don’t forget to incorporate some living, breathing plants! Some elegant options:

  • Fiddle leaf fig tree
  • Potted orchids
  • Bunches of eucalyptus or olive branches in vases

Just be sure not to go overboard with too much shrubbery. A few well-placed plants is all you need.

11. Upgrade Your Flooring

Having nice floors automatically makes a home feel more luxurious. If you can afford it, consider installing new hardwood floors in a classic shade like oak or walnut. Hardwoods are timeless and add such warmth and richness underfoot.

If new floors aren’t in the budget, you can still elevate what you’ve got. Refinish scratched wood floors or install some plush wall-to-wall carpeting in a neutral color. And don’t forget area rugs! Layering a room with a luxe rug over your existing floors is an easy way to amp up the sophistication.

12. Give Your Ceilings Some Attention

We often forget about the ceiling when decorating, but it’s the fifth wall of a room! Adding some simple yet elegant details overhead can do wonders. A few ideas:

  • Crown molding to get that classic look
  • Decorative ceiling medallions
  • Beams or coffers for architectural interest
  • Wallpaper the ceiling in a cool pattern or mural

You can also play with ceiling paint colors. A light colored ceiling helps a room feel open and airy, while saturated hues can make it feel cozier and more intimate.

I know these tips sound simple, but trust me – following this elegant home design advice will truly transform your place into a sophisticated, magazine-worthy oasis. It just takes a little decluttering, some smart furniture & accessory choices, and an eye for understated luxury.

Now go forth and get your elegant home makeover on! Here’s a little checklist to review:

Elegant Home Design Checklist ✨


  • Neutral color palette
  • Clutter-free, organized


  • Luxe curtains (silk, velvet, etc.)
  • Plush pillows, blankets
  • High-end area rug(s)


  • Chandeliers
  • Sconces
  • Candles
  • Lamps with fancy shades

Accent Pieces:

  • Artwork/sculptures
  • Decorative mirrors
  • Marble/glass vases & bowls
  • Coffee table books


  • At least 1 standout piece (sofa, table, etc.)


  • Bookcases/etageres
  • Ottomans with storage
  • Decorative baskets


  • Gold frames
  • Silver accents
  • Brass objects


  • Potted trees/orchids
  • Branches in vases

Wrapping Up

And there you have it – my most comprehensive tips for making any home look elegantly designed and pulled together! From the right lighting and decor accents to unique vintage finds, these ideas will help you curate supremely sophisticated spaces. Just don’t forget to keep things simple, tailored, and fuss-free for that true tone of modern elegance.

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