Architecture school and the architectural profession are difficult areas that require long hours of work compared to other professions. In this article, we will talk about what you need to study in order to be successful in architecture in architecture or professionally. Some fields develop architectural design abilities and influence success in architectural design. In the faculty of architecture, not only studio classes are given to students to graduate as successful architects. The reason for this is that there are many art and science subjects that feed architecture other than design. Read the rest of the article, if you wonder that why it is necessary to work on these areas and if you want to access more information about these areas.
Why do architects need to study a lot? Why do they study in different areas of science and art? Because architectural design is a type of art that takes its inspiration from many different subjects and fields. At the same time, it focuses on products that concern the society, not the person, and even if it does not focus, the works definitely affect the society. An architect who reads on history, sociology and human psychology, of course, creates works different from architects working only in the direction of architectural design. It takes a lot of work to design the best works in architecture and to build sustainable and useful buildings that are most beneficial to society and the environment. Our studies are not only regarding with architectural design or art, but also science and philosophy. Architects must work hard in more than one field because architectural production is not just about designing a building. Designing the space is an important discipline that requires serious work to create spaces that will impress everyone around of it.

Feed The Architectural Skills
Developing your architectural design skills requires knowledge and interpretation in many areas. If you want to be a good designer, you must also be a good critic. Critical and philosophical thinking is one of the most important stones of architectural design. If you want to improve your architectural design skills, you should be fed from different fields of science and art. Architectural talents will develop as you engage in the history of art and architecture, nature and science. Of course, you should also be aware of current architectural developments. However, the history and the culture of the society you live in, the life and the psychology of the people you are designed for are very important and worth studying. In order to design a space, first of all, it is necessary to solve the psychology of the people living in the space, the spirit and philosophy of the place. A highly intellectual architect carries strong ideas behind his designs. Ideas are never destroyed. Buildings built with strong ideas and architecture with the right concepts are also indestructible.

How to Develop Architectural Design Skills?
We learned that architectural design skills can be developed by feeding from different sources. At the same time, it is very important to stay up to date and follow new architectural developments. It is essential for young architects to follow young and dynamic offices, new ideas, building technologies, and architectural software that changes day by day.
Working in fields such as philosophy, sociology, psychology, history and art will improve your architectural skills, but the important thing here is to work from the right sources. We recommend that you benefit from the online libraries of world-renowned universities and watch documentaries. Architecture is a discipline in which ideas can be generated through many branches of art, and this includes cinema. We strongly recommend you to watch movies and documentaries that will improve your spatial perception.
How to Learn Architecture?
Of course, besides all these, there is a fact called “learning architecture”. Although architectural design skills develop with different arts and sciences, learning architecture is critical to be successful in architecture. School courses should be the priority for students of the faculty of architecture. The resources we mentioned should be read as a supplement to the lessons. In professional life, intellectualism is important to be more successful in your profession. Developing your architectural skills and perspectives allows you to make a difference in your professional life.
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