5 Powerful Skills That All Architecture Students Should Acquire
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5 Powerful Skills That All Architecture Students Should Acquire


Architecture is an impressive but at the same time, a tiring 5-year-long education. During architectural education, we shall knowingly or unknowingly gain various knowledge and skills. These skills are transferable skills developed over time, intentionally or unintentionally, making the student mentally and physically fit to accept challenges coming their way in real life. Here is a list of the 5 most powerful skills that all architecture students should acquire before they enter architectural practice.

  1. Research skills

Architecture is a creative field and most of us approach architecture as an art. But architecture is not just the art of painting your imagination with appropriate scale and proportion. Architecture is the responsible art of building a community, it is an art of understanding people, it is an art of knowing how a structure stands. And so, research and learning are always important in architecture. We are surrounded by information but the art of extracting relevant data and learning from them is a skill attained after practice.  Analyzing the tangibility and intangibility of each space becomes a part of our daily life. Hence, over the years we would question the relevance of everything, making us re-think and adapt.

Photo Source:https://www.re-thinkingthefuture.com/rtf-architectural-reviews/a5879-importance-of-research-in-architecture/
  1. Design Thinking/Problem solving

Architecture is a creative field and of course, it is good to create something that looks good; however, it also needs to be practical, viable and suited to your clients’ needs and demands. This is why it’s important to have a good understanding of design processes, such as knowing how to combine visual appeal with functionality; a good architect will always know how to compromise between the two. Each design idea is an inspiration from concerns, problems, or needs. Always designing for users makes architects think and question from all angles with data, facts, statistics, and research by analyzing the tiniest detail, making the brain agile and curious even in everyday life.

Photo Source:https://commonedge.org/dazed-confused-and-impoverished-thoughts-on-improving-the-state-of-architectural-research/
  1. Presentation skills

Architecture is not only about creation, it is also about expression. You must present your ideas and thoughts to others and express yourself as an architect. Presentation skills include not only renders, illustrations and drawings but also presenting yourself and your work to the people, your thoughts and ideas to your team, and so on. Presentation skills are always gained through consistent practice and confidence, and it is one of the most important skills you have to acquire as a student. The ability to deliver a composed presentation is invaluable, and employees who can do so are hard-fought when you come out of your college and start your career.

Photo Source:https://www.re-thinkingthefuture.com/rtf-fresh-perspectives/a803-importance-of-communication-skills-in-architecture/
  1. Communication skills

Photo Source:https://stillwaterarchitecture.com/top-5-things-communicate-working-residential-architect/

Brilliant design ideas may come to our minds, but they have no value if we cannot effectively communicate them. Architecture, as a profession undeniably needs excellent communication skills. These skills include communication through presentations, speeches, words, and all other media of communication. And so, it becomes an important and powerful skill that should be acquired as a student. Endless juries, discussions, readings, and exploring various mediums and opportunities enhance our verbal and non-verbal communication skills as well.

  1. Management of time and money

Photo Source: https://blog.proofhub.com/work-smarter-not-harder-9-time-management-tips-that-will-change-your-life-f2292f3d0044?gi=fcab53237df6

We have been practiced to meeting deadlines from the beginning of our architectural education. Working through all night has become a ritual of an architecture student. Time management is the most important skill of architectural practice. Having a good time management routine while you’re an architecture student will help during professional life. With deadlines and late nights, time management has become a relatively easily acquired skill of a student. Good time management helps in work management, client/ faculty coordination, smooth work completions, and less havoc in life. As said, “Time is money”, we should manage our finance to get going. How much does an architectural model cost? How does the market rate of the material change? These are some of the questions you should have answers to manage finance as a professional.


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