The architectural education you have received at the faculty of architecture is above many design disciplines and is highly visionary. There is no limit to what you can do after graduating from the faculty of architecture!
Due to the architectural education gives you a lot in terms of artistic and aesthetics. It changes your perspective on life and from now on you do everything you do “like an architect”. You can work successfully in all departments of the faculty of architecture or you can plan a career as an architect in another field. In this article, we will look at this issue from a different perspective which we have mentioned in detail in our article “Starting Career in Architecture”.
Office Architecture
Architectural projects are completed in architectural design offices mostly. When we think about architecture as a profession, office works come to our mind in the first time. The office works are significant process of architectural design as an individual or team works. If you are an office architecture, you will be responsible the all process of an architectural design project. The first researches and ideas on the project site, concept and design development of the project, architectural drawings are included this responsibilities.

Interior Design
In every scale of architectural projects can be designed in architectural offices. If you want to work on interior design and this amount of scale, you can work interior design projects as individual or a member of interior design office. How can you decide to be an interior designer architect?
It is possible for you to decide this before you graduate! If you enjoy detail and interior work in the faculty of architecture, if you think more on interiors in spatial studies rather than large-scale studies, this job is for you.

Landscape & Urban Design
The Faculty of Architecture offers a very advantageous education for seeing and working on projects of many scales. Thinking about the architectural concept from higher scales, working on landscape and urban design are in the content of the courses you need to do before you graduate. If you have been successful in urban design and landscaping projects during your student years, design from higher scales especially in your diploma project when you come to the last year.
After graduation, you can work in the concept and design development department of a good landscape design office. If you want, after completing your undergraduate education at the faculty of architecture, you can get the title of “urban designer architect” or “landscape designer architect” by completing a master’s degree in urban design or landscape design. It is possible to continue your professional career as an architect in landscape or macro-scale lens design.

3D Visualization
3D images and professional renderings are the presentation tools that architectural offices invest the most in professional life. Design teams both make financial investments and spare a lot of time for project renders. Because a professional and successful render is the most powerful tool to attract customers to your office. The images that best illustrate and present the material and atmosphere are renders.
For this reason, every architect or architectural office needs professional render visualizers to do this job. If you think you are good in this field, you can work as an affiliated or independent render visualization specialist. You can only support rendering in the visualization department of an office or in different offices.

Building Construction
You can take part in the field studies of architectural projects as a site manager, project manager or site architect. Without the site supervisor and project managers, it is impossible to carry out the projects according to the occupational safety and the design of the architectural project. If you enjoyed the construction site internships and you are interested in this field, it means that you will be very successful in your job.

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