The academic portfolio shows your interests, talents, architectural perspectives and approaches. Your portfolio contains very important references for the schools and offices you will apply to. It is necessary to approach the design of the portfolio almost like the design of an architectural project. Because if your portfolio is legible, consistent and has a good design, it reflects that you are a good architect. Let’s take a look at some tips for a good portfolio.

Cover Design

The cover of your portfolio should present a general summary with reference to the colors and styles of the projects in its content. In addition, it should reflect its style in an uncomplicated, simple and readable way. A succesful cover design influences people who have a look at your portfolio first time.

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Portfolio Layout

Academic portfolios include your the most succesful projects from design studios and competitions. If you design your portfolio with templates, you will have more consistent and readable flow. You can put different project in similar or the same templates.

Here is our portfolio templates, you may reach in the link below:

Download Our Portfolio Templates

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Good Content

The content decision is another important thing to make your portfolio understandable. You should choose right projects to reflect your current architectural style. Our recommandation is put the most succesful project first, not the newest or oldest one.

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