These are places in which we have experimented, and we are still experimenting through innovative design tools. Be Serio [us] wants to take the opportunity of a typological experimentation in an area that will represent the new “Smart District” of the city from a few years ago: it is a project for a hybrid building in an area of 4.900 m² of the quadrant south-west, condenser of new functions for new inhabitants: the six buildings arranged in clusters around the old Vettabbia canal are surrounded by a fluid and flexible space.
The interaction between the single monofunctional buildings and the surrounding space generates the hybridization: there are no more defined boundaries and even the actions committed by the individual inhabitants are unpredictable. Public spaces interact with private ones in a “co-living” logic. In some cases, as for residences, the minimum space of the apartments generates the need to search the space outside their home, so as to define new forms of spatial sharing among the inhabitants. This choice is intended to show how the rapid transformation of our cities must correspond to an equal change in the way of life and to conceive of space, which knows how to be changeable and flexible, just as the needs of the new inhabitants are.
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