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wooden architecture

4 Articles
Raised Table in the Landscape
Landscape Architecture

Raised Table in the Landscape

A red carpet that transitions from the landscape to a found domestic space, behind the curtain appears a raised table, where visitors gather...

Antlers – Cabin In The Woods

Antlers – Cabin In The Woods

The cabins are treasured in between the mountains to the wild landscapes so the users get the most exciting experience to be with...

Forest Of Reflection / Ethan Chew

Forest Of Reflection

‘Forest of Reflection’ is composed of two main buildings: A leisure sports centre with an olympic sized pool, located on the Wattle St...

Digital Woodcraft – Eddie Titfer  / Suyash Sawant + Akshay Mhamunkar

Digital Woodcraft – Freeform Timber Structures: Eddie Titfer

In Technics and Civilization (1934), Lewis Mumford praises wood as helping to deliver humankind from the servitude to the cave and to the...