In architecture, the context includes everything from the physical conditions of a site to its sociocultural conditions. Architects have to make a large-scale site analysis in the areas they will work in. In an architectural project, almost each design decisions depend entirely on the external conditions of the site that come from site analysis. Also, initial design ideas and even concept ideas arise from site analysis. Before starting both professional life and student projects, it is necessary to know the physical conditions of the land in the best way. In professional life, architects have to know the topography of the site, zoning conditions, climatic features, environmental structures and features in order to realize the wishes of the customers.
To understand whether the site is suitable for the project and the surrounding buildings are determined during the site visit to be made through the geographical conditions of the site. On site visits; you should have a map, camera, computer, measuring tools and of course sketch materials with you. It will be very useful for you to take note of your initial ideas and take pictures at the site a lot, and even you can use a drone.
While doing the site analysis, you need to learn very well the environment of the area where you will design your project, the city where it is located, the transportation conditions and roads. In order to analyze the city better, it is necessary to analyze the nodal points, main and auxiliary axes and junction points well. For this, we can recommend the Lynch analysis.
Architects are responsible for bringing the buildings they design to the city, not thinking of the `site` in as a frame and working within it. Concepts that will be more ecological and sustainable for the world, accessible for people and beneficial for users emerge after a good site analysis.
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