Design Concept
The success of Prefontaine is built upon his constant effort and dedication to work hard consistently on his devotion to running. Even during days when he felt unwell, he still carries himself to track to train with his teammates. Behind the mask of Steve Prefontaine’s success lies a charismatic athlete who believes in the power of consistency.
Steve Prefontaine’s memorial structural language will be a homage to his spirit of resiliency and consistency. It will be a structure of respite and commemoration. This will be a convivial space for aspiring runners and visitors to inhabit, socialize and admire the beauty of Pre’s legacy.
The Memorial’s Experience
Steve Prefontaine Memorial is neither a monument nor a statue, it is an experience. It is a beautiful experience of Pre’s consistency. This quality is translated into an assemblage of 4” thick timber frame arrayed consistently 8” apart in the form of two trapezoids connecting Pre’s rock to the North cliff edge overlooking into Pre’s trail.
Upon entering the memorial, visitor meanders through the preserved trees within. Trees act as metaphors for the obstacles Prefontaine overcome during his running career. This is a space of respite and contemplation. Subsequently, visitors will walk through a compressed corridor before emerging into the beautiful landscape of Eugene, marked with a trail named in Pre’s honor.
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