The task of the study is to first find a concept with a group of 4 persons, then to design as an individual work the own residential building with the topic „living plus”.
The concept begins with the dissolution of the massive block of flats. Overall, the 16-module (16m x 40m) is stacked in the vertical and horizontal directions. The walk-in roofs and „green instead of gray” are the main themes of the concept. A contrast between outside and inside, above and below. A residential complex that offers much more than just a living experience.
Individual Part
Step 1:
Development of the module for stacking. Grid (1,5 x 1,5 m) for the module and the Place definition for the stairs and elevator. With the grid, creating the prototypes for kitchen, toilet and private space like balcony / loggia. This gives more freedom for individual living spaces.
Step 2:
Pixel (the prototypes for the floor plan) on the roof offers for different possibilities. The vertical extrusion of the pixels as a seat, as a railing or box for the plants.
what program did you use for the show stopper?
Adobe Photoshop.