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library design

12 Articles
Transforms the Graded School Library

Transforms the Graded School Library

Zénite Arquitetura & Construção transforms the Graded School library into a unique reading experience São Paulo, 2024 – Zénite Arquitetura & Construção, with...

San Francisco Public Library

San Francisco Public Library

Designing in cities like San Francisco represents a great architectural challenge due to the struggle between urbanistic need for growth and natural dangers...

Metropolitan Library

Metropolitan Library

The project was developed in collaboration with a live client, the MMU Estates, and its goal was the adaptive reuse of the 1980s...

Wood Library / Melike Tarakcı

Wood Library

Mıstık Park is located in Istanbul Teşvikiye Street. Park, Nisantasi Akkavak Street, which is one of the most important streets of City’s Shopping...

Songdo Library Competition Entry / Manuel A. Monteserín Lahoz

Songdo Library Competition Entry

Proposal is a library that looks to the future by learning from tradition. This project seeks to maintain a balance between the traditional...

Dream Library Concept / Olga Treivas + Vera Odyn + Nikita Morenov + Yulia Belozertseva

Dream Library Concept

The refurbishment of the library and archive building of Garage Museum of Contemporary Art became the second stage of FORM Bureau’s work with...

The Path of Knowledge – Abu Dhabi Public Library

The Path of Knowledge – Abu Dhabi Public Library

​The library was designed to be a landmark in the city of Abu Dhabi. It is intended to function as a socio-cultural hub...

Skenderija – Municipal Library for Sarajevo / Alina Boss + Anton Kussina

Skenderija – Municipal Library for Sarajevo

Sarajevo suffers from the consequences of the dissolution of the Socialist Federals Republic of Yugoslavia till today,  many public institutions and the infrastructure...

Public Library / Malak Husain

Public Library

Using green area and landscape to create a library for the public to engage in for reading and spending time with nature while...